Towards an innovation-driven model of growth in Azerbaijan
The Azerbaijan Chapter of the Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC) organized a business roundtable titled “Azerbaijan Innovation – Towards a Greener Model of Growth” on June 8, 2023 at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Geneva (CCIG).
Global business is reorienting itself and looking for new options to source energy, nearshore operations and move cargo between global Asia and European markets. In the context of these shifts, the South Caucasus and, specifically, Azerbaijan is a great option because of its strategic position and resources. In recognition of these changes, the Government of Azerbaijan is investing in the country’s digital transformation and applications of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies (including AI, virtual reality, crypto-technology etc.). As importantly, the government of Azerbaijan is committed to moving the country towards a greener, more sustainable, and resilient economy that uses renewable energy sources, including solar, wind and thermal energy. The topic of innovation in all economic sectors and development of the green economy in Azerbaijan was the central focus of the discussion.
After an introduction by Leyla Baghirzade, Head, Azerbaijan Chapter, Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC) who moderated the event there were welcome statements by Vincent Subilia, Director General, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Geneva (CCIG), Marcel Pawlicek, President, Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC) and H.E. Mr. Fuad Isgandarov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Switzerland.
Loukas Tzitzis, Managing Director, International Business Development & Growth, Innovation and Digital Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, presented “The Evolution of Innovation and the Digital Transformation in Azerbaijan: Strategic Priorities.” Alessio Giuffra, Managing Director, AFRY Italy and Azerbaijan showcased the “Energy Transition in Azerbaijan: The Turn Towards Renewables – Action Plan and Investments.” Finally, Taurus SA represented by Lamine Brahimi, Managing Partner unpackaged the strategy and services of the company as a digital asset infrastructure provider.